Meat plants have never been known for their humane treatment of animals. They do the bare minimum the law requires of them and often not even that, as activists frequently expose animal abuse in meat plants. But now there is a new problem: there have been so many coronavirus outbreaks at meat plants that many have had to close, creating a bottleneck in the industry. The solution? Farmers are now gassing and shooting their pigs and then discarding them, not even sending them to feed families.
Sign now to stop this inhumane and disgusting killing method!
The reason the pigs are being killed this way is that they are pumped full of hormones, making them grow unnaturally big. Due to the delay in their slaughter, normal methods simply can't handle their body mass. This is a horrific problem, one that should not be solved by slaughtering these animals in the quickest, yet cruelest way possible. Instead, farmers can slow down on the hormones and find more humane ways to euthanize the animals while eventually making sure every animal is actually brought to market.
No animal deserves to die like this, especially if it's not even going to feed a human. Stores and restaurants across the country are facing meat shortages while these massive pigs are being slaughtered and thrown away. In Iowa, 600,000 pigs are estimated to be in the backlog, set to be killed but not eaten within the next 6 weeks. In Minnesota, 90,000 have already been killed due to plants shuttering after COVID-19 outbreaks. Also in Iowa they are beginning to kill about 5% of piglets due to lack of space.
No matter which way you look at the situation, it's heartbreaking. Even the farmers - who are used to animal slaughter - can't even finish their sentences about what's happening because they are so distressed by the obvious inhumane practices. There has to be a better way to do this and we need to demand they find it. It's time to call for creative solutions like keeping the pigs alive elsewhere longer or finding more humane ways to kill them and bring them to market. We don't know the exact answer, but we do know these atrocities cannot continue.
Even a bipartisan group of senators agrees, stating in a letter to Congress that "failure to have a sensible and orderly process for thinning the herd will lead to animal health issues, environmental issues, and pork producers going out of business". The truth is: everything in our way of life is changing rapidly and that makes this a great time to reimagine what a more ethical and humane future could look like.
Please join us in calling for justice for these sweet pigs that never deserved any of this.