Trappers are the only citizens that can, for private profit, indiscriminately ( without limits ) exploit our publicly purchased lands. $5 new trapper incentive licenses generated by the Dept. of Natural Resources recruited 2,041 new trappers to join the 10,000 market trappers bludgeoning out our forests and waterways for the Toronto auctions to the Russian and Chinese markets for trinkets made of fur. Trappers are .015% of the population with this "perk" - should the rest of us have $5 license incentives to go into our public lands and take out as many trees, plants, rocks and LIVING wildlife as we can in a similar time frame ( 6-7 months)? Are we equal citizens?
52% of all wildlife in the world ( songbirds, waterbirds, bobcats, wolves, beavers, bears) have been destroyed by human hunting and trapping in just 40 years according to WWF and London Zoological Society surveys. This is exponential loss collapsing ecosystems ( threatening human extinction - it is that bad:
Wisconsin is the former home of the Hudson Bay Trading Co. housed in Stoughton, WI. Now it is also the home of CWD in 25% of the two-year-old bucks, an exploding deadly Lyme disease, and avian flu. Market hunting and trapping in the 1800's nearly wiped out wildlife. Now with more trappers and less than half the wildlife, we are out of time to stop this destruction. Mice that carry Lyme disease are exploding in population and imbalance threatens all life with more viruses and disease.
Healthy ecosystems need protection. Please support Wisconsin in saving our wildlife and healthy biodiversity.
We urge the Wisconsin legislature to end trapping on our public lands, as undemocratic, and destructive of the web of life that supports all life.
Please support Wisconsin Representative Chris Taylor (who is described as fearless) in authoring and fighting for legislation to end trapping in Wisconsin public lands. State wildlife/nature agencies should treat all citizens equally in funding ( replace killing license funding with general public funding), participation on deciding boards, and use of our public lands. Trappers are less than 1/5 of one percent of the public but can destroy wildlife indiscriminately. If that continues, then all of us should have equal take from out public lands of living wildlife, plants, trees and rocks for the same fees.
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
This petition against trapping day and night 7 months of the year, through the birthing season, in Wisconsin - is just limping along. There were 4,241 NEW trappers trained in just the past two years, added to the 10,000 trappers already emptying out woods and our public lands indiscriminately - take all they can kill, bludgeon and bash for $5 new licenses, $20 any license. And we have only 1150 signatures. How sad.
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
Over 4,241 NEW trappers were recruited just in the past 2 years by the state on $5 license incentives, added to the 9,000-10,000 trappers already trapping. We will have few mid-range and fewer top predators left in the state as Lyme disease and CWD proliferate. This petition does not even have as many signers as we have trappers. Please sign and NETWORK this so I can present it with citizen power behind it. The trappers CARE about killing.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Please help Wisconsin end the mutilation and suffering, death and destruction of our wildlife - they are just adding in night trapping to 7 months of trapping through the birthing season of March/April. If we do not get at least 15,000 signatures, the trappers can get that many trappers to support these atrocities in the 21st century. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO SIGN AND NETWORK.