Prisoners in Texas Are Being Cooked to Death by Extreme Heat. Call for Lifesaving Cooling Measures in Facilities!

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Texas Department of Criminal Justice
The oppressive heat in Texas is more than just uncomfortable -- it has turned downright deadly.

Texas has refused to air condition about two-thirds of prisons in the state, subjecting nearly 100,000 inmates to utterly cruel and unusual punishment. According to a recent lawsuit over the matter, dozens of inmates die every year, cooked to death in their cells.

It's time for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to be held accountable for this gross violation of human rights. Sign the petition if you agree!

Texas temperatures regularly rise above 100°F (38°C), meaning any facilities lacking basic AC become absolutely hellish, putting inhabitants at severe risk of heat-related illnesses and death.

Jason Wilson, a recent victim of this inhumane treatment, tragically passed away in July after being subjected to deadly heat. He wrote to an outside party that he was not receiving adequate water, either. His death was a direct consequence of the TDCJ's refusal to provide necessary cooling measures, despite being aware of the brutal conditions. Wilson's story is just one of many that reveal gut wrenching levels of negligence and brutality at the state's hands.

The state has ample resources to address this issue -- Texas has a reserve fund of $33 billion, to be exact -- yet it continues to neglect the basic needs of its inmates. This negligence is not just a policy failure; it is a moral outrage that demands immediate action. This treatment of inmates isn't justice; it's cruel and unusual punishment, which is a violation of the constitution.

Even more evil still is that the TDCJ denies any responsibility; the department absurdly claims that deaths are due to previously existing health issues rather than the extreme heat.

That's why we're calling on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to install air conditioning in all its facilities to protect the lives and dignity of inmates. We must act before the hot summer months claim any more lives!

No human should be subjected to such inhumane conditions, and it is time for the TDCJ to take responsibility for the health and safety of those in its care. Sign this petition to demand that the TDCJ prioritize the installation of air conditioning in its facilities and end the torture of heat for its inmates.
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