Australia's national environmental laws aren't doing enough to ensure animals and their habitats are protected.
Over the summer, bushfires devastated our country, killing more than 1 billion animals. This shocking loss of animal life left several precious species closer to extinction. The loss of habitat has also caused widespread suffering with many animals left without adequate shelter from the weather and predators.
The bushfire crisis highlighted the vulnerability of our native wildlife and their habitats. That's why we need your help to prevent widespread land clearing and habitat destruction and demand better protection for Australian animals now.
The review period for Australia's environmental legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has just concluded, but there is still time to put pressure on the government.
Be a voice for native Australian animals who need stronger protection.
Sign on to our open letter to the Environment Minister the Hon Sussan Ley to give better protection to Australian animals in need and their habitat.
Image credit: Jo-Anne McArthur/ We Animals Media