Penguins and Seals Rejoice - South Africa Approves Marine Sanctuary!
- da: Care2
- destinatario: Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Environment Minister, Republic of South Africa
Penguins, albatrosses, killer whales and of course people can all jump for joy at the latest news from the Republic of South Africa! The country is set to establish one of the world's largest Marine Protected Areas (MPA) around its Prince Edward Islands. This inspiring achievement will help reduce the ecological impacts of fisheries, particularly on endangered seabirds.
The Prince Edward Islands in the Southern Ocean are amongst the world's most important and diverse regions. But until now, the islands have been threatened by illegal and irresponsible fishing practices.
Send a note to South Africa's Environment Minister thanking his department for creating this 11,846 square mile (180,000 square kilometre) ocean sanctuary.
Dear Minister,
I am writing you today to express my enthusiastic support for the creation of the Prince Edward Islands Marine Protected Area. Thank you for taking this bold step to provide critical habitat for many unique species, including 13 percent of the world's king penguins population, five species of albatross, 14 species of petrels, three species of seals and killer whales.
[Your comments here]
By establishing a 180,000 square kilometre MPA, the Republic of South Africa is sending a strong message to every nation around the globe on the monumental importance of nature conservation. I applaud your good work!
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