End cruel coyote killing contests in Oregon
In cruel and unsporting coyote killing contests, killing as many coyotes as they can in a short time period. Studies have shown that the indiscriminate killing of native carnivores like coyotes will not reduce their populations — in fact, it could even increase them — and will not protect livestock or increase game species.
These brutal contests are still allowed to take place in Oregon — but you have an opportunity to help change that today. S.B. 723 — which would ban coyote killing contests — will soon be up for vote in the Oregon House of Representatives.
Oregon's wildlife, including coyotes, belongs to all of us. It's time to step up and protect them from this cruel bloodsport.
Sign and show your support for S.B. 723 and let's end coyote killing contests in Oregon.
Subject: End coyote killing contests in Oregon, vote YES on S.B. 723!
Dear Representative,
Please vote yes on S.B. 723 to ban coyote killing contests in Oregon.
Oregon has a history of drawing the line at unfair and inhumane practices that are out of step with our humane values. Coyote killing contests are completely at odds with the ethics of hunting and the wishes of most Oregonians.
In fact, a recent public opinion poll commissioned by Remington Research Group indicated a strong majority of Oregonians support legislation to ban coyote killing contests, across all five Congressional districts.
As your constituent, I urge you: help change Oregon's laws to bring them in line with our shared values, and prevent the wanton cruelty of coyote killing contests.
Please vote yes on S.B. 723!
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