Tell the Australian Government to respect our World Heritage

Dredging spoil dumped in the Great Barrier Reef. Ancient Tasmanian forests opened up for logging. Tonnes of radioactive waste spilled into Kakadu. Australia's most special places are under attack despite the global recognition they receive under UNESCO World Heritage listing.
The Australian government thinks that there's too much protection for these places we love. At a time when our World Heritage areas are under unprecedented threat, they want to strip national environment laws that protect our most special places.
Now it's time for you to stand up. It's time for you to tell the Government it's un-Australian to walk away from our responsibilities to protect wonders of the natural world that sit within our borders.
Now what we need are stronger not weaker laws that make sure our World Heritage areas are safe.
Will you sign on to ask federal environment spokespeople from all parties, Greg Hunt (Coalition), Mark Butler (ALP), Larissa Waters (Greens), to:
Strengthen, not weaken, Australia's national environment laws — the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
It's your World Heritage, join us now, sign our pledge and add your voice.
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