Help Protect the Last Remaining Yellowstone Grizzly Bears!

With just 600 grizzly bears remaining in Greater Yellowstone, the federal government is challenging the Greater Yellowstone Coalition's 2009 court victory that put the bears back on the Endangered Species list.

The federal government says the species has rebounded, but enormous threats remain for this national treasure. Since 2008, up to 13% of the entire bear population has been killed or removed each year due to conflicts with humans. And with continued pressure to further develop the West, critical habitat and migration corridors for grizzly bears are at risk. Moreover, reproduction rates of this magnificent animal cannot keep up with these continued stressors.

We must demand our government protect the last remaning grizzly bears in Greater Yellowstone. Tell Secretary Salazar to keep grizzly bears listed under the Endangered Species Act until a viable, long-term management plan is in place for this treasured icon.
Dear Sec. Salazar,

I strongly support continued protection of the Yellowstone grizzly bear under the Endangered Species Act until a viable, long-term management plan is established.

[Your comments will be added here]

With just 600 grizzly bears remaining in Greater Yellowstone, we must ensure there is adequate habitat outside Yellowstone National Park, an availability of food, and a solid management plan to protect grizzly bears within Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. The management plan cannot fail.

With human-bear conflicts on the rise over the past 3 years, we must ensure bears can safely co-exist with humans. This means more education, a requirement for bear spray and bear-proof containers, and appropriate financial support for this treasured icon.

Please do your part to ensure this animal is on our landscape 100 years from now. I urge you to take a personal interest in this important issue.
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