Speak Up for Southwest Wolves!

  • da: Defenders of Wildlife
  • destinatario: Ben Tuggle, Southwest Regional Director for the Fish & Wildlife Service

Mexican wolves -- one of the most endangered animals in the world -- play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But recovery efforts have yet to ensure a lasting future for these animals that play an important role in the culture and wilderness of the Southwest.

Commonly referred to as "el lobo," the Mexican gray wolf once ranged from central Mexico to southwestern Texas, southern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. But alarming new population numbers show that Southwest wolves are down to only 52 individuals and 4 breeding pairs.

Your comments can make a difference -- so speak up! Please sign our petition to Ben Tuggle, Southwest Regional Director for the Fish & Wildlife Service: tell him it's time to restore the Mexican wolf to its rightful place, and ecological role, in the wilds of the Southwest.

Dear Mr. Tuggle:

I appreciate the complexities of restoring the Mexican wolf to its rightful place, and ecological role, in Arizona and New Mexico. I am writing to remind you that the complexities are political, not biological -- the wolves know how to form packs, kill elk, and raise pups, but they count on the US Fish and Wildlife Service to secure their recovery.

I urge you to make sure that all the management actions and discretionary "operating procedures" of the Mexican wolf reintroduction program make a positive contribution to recovery of the species, as the Endangered Species Act requires.

As you know, after ten years of reintroduction efforts, the Fish & Wildlife Service is still well short of meeting the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. In fact, the 2007 population count is dangerously low.

Mexican wolves -- one of the most endangered animals in the world -- play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them.

I am asking you to support more sensible wolf management that ensures a lasting future for Southwest wolves. I also request that the Service use alternative approaches to wolf management, including pro-active techniques to reduce conflicts between wolves and livestock, such as using headers or special fencing, relocating livestock during denning season and hazing wolves away from livestock.

It is important to act creatively to solve conflicts, rather than reacting with the quick-fix of wolf removal. Above all, I urge you to fulfill the mandate and promise of the Endangered Species Act.

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