Did you know that when Safeway decides to leave a neighborhood, they sometimes block other grocery stores from opening up in their former locations?
This means that when they are the only grocery store around and leave an area such as a downtown location to move to the suburbs, they include a restriction on that property that states that no other grocery store can move in. Some of these restrictions have been for as long as 15 years!
This leaves residents in these areas without access to a supermarket, preventing them from accessing fresh food while negatively impacting the health of the community.
Black and Brown communities, people with disabilities, and the elderly already experience barriers to accessing healthy food, and companies like Safeway should not be contributing to the problem. They could easily change their ways and HELP neighborhoods stay healthy!
Washington, DC, is working to protect access to healthy foods in all their neighborhoods by using local legislation to block this bad behavior.
Please sign the petition to Safeway's CEO Vivek Sankaran right now and tell him that all neighborhoods need access to fresh food!
Shame on Safeway!

This campaign is organized by Food Empowerment Project. Learn more at www.foodispower.org.
It has been brought to my attention that Albertsons and its banner stores often block other grocery stores from opening up in your former locations.
This practice can leave residents in your former locations without access to a supermarket, not only preventing them from accessing fresh food but also negatively impacting the health of their community.
[Your Comment]
Black and Brown communities, people with disabilities, and the elderly already experience barriers to accessing healthy food, and your stores should not be contributing to the problem. Please change your ways and help neighborhoods stay healthy!
All neighborhoods need access to fresh food!
[Your Name]
Aggiorna #65 anni fa
Thanks for standing with us in our fight for food justice against Safeway/Albertsons! Head over to our updated website (https://foodispower.org/Shame-on-Safeway-and-Albertsons/) for more ways to help stop this injustice. If you think corporations should be held accountable for hurting the health of communities, predominately Black and Brown communities and low-income neighborhood please don’t be silent. Thank you for stepping up.
Aggiorna #55 anni fa
Thanks for standing with us in our fight for food justice against Safeway/Albertsons!
Head over to our updated website (https://foodispower.org/Shame-on-Safeway-and-Albertsons/) for more ways to help stop this injustice.
If you think corporations should be held accountable for hurting the health of communities, predominately Black and Brown communities and low-income neighborhood please don’t be silent.
Thank you for stepping up.
Aggiorna #45 anni fa
The fight against corporate greed continues!
If you have not shared our petition against Safeway please do! bit.ly/ShameOnSafeway
And support community activists in WA by signing their petition to stop Albertsons (Safeway parent company) from blocking a grocery store for 20 years! http://bit.ly/2GYr5jG