Moratorium on Redwood Harvest, Sale, and Export

  • da: Sybok Pendderwydd
  • destinatario: Jeff Bingamam, Senator, NM; Ranking member: Senate Committee on Energy and, US Senate Commitee on Energy and Natural Resources
Redwoods at one time made up the largest rainforest on the planet, from southern Oregon to southern California, and about 40 miles inland from the coast. Today, less than 4% of that forest remains.
Whereas, a great Redwood rainforest once covered the west coast, from southern Oregon to southern California, and about 40 miles inland;

Whereas, less than 4% of this great rainforest remains today;

Whereas, the Coast Redwood environment is a essential to a great number of endangered species, including the Spotted Owl and several species of fish;

Whereas, the continued decmation of this environment has led to a noticable change in the climate of the North Coast of California, and therefore must also be contributing to global warming as a whole;

Whereas, towns and villages near areas where clearcutting has been done are now endangered by flooding, mudslides, and the pollution of delicate watersheds;

Whereas, the lumber from Coast Redwoods is not a necessary commodity, but one easily replaced by other types of lumber or building materials;

We therefore petition the United States Senate to pass a law declaring a 100 year moratorium prohibiting the harvest, sale and export of all Coast Redwoods (Sequoia Sempervirons) and of all products made from Coast Redwoods. Such moratorium will preserve the existing ecosystem of the Coast Redwood, preserve the existing old growth trees, and allow younger trees a chance to become old growth, thus giving the great Redwood rainforest a chance to reestablish itself for future generations and for the health of the planet.
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