On January 2nd, a group of armed men took over a small, unoccupied federal building on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Whether this "occupation" is to "to protest the federal government’s treatment of a pair of ranchers facing prison time" (source) or an armed land-grab as "part of a long-standing campaign by radical right-wingers to dismantle federal land ownership in the West" (source), we have yet to hear the media refer to this as an act of domestic terrorism. Instead they have been called "militia," "protesters," or "activists." (source)
This condition is deplorable. Even animal activists have been considered "domestic terrorists." Consider these words from US attorney Laura Duffy about mink activists in 2015:
“Whatever your feelings about the fur industry, there are legal ways to make your opinions known. The conduct alleged here, sneaking around at night, stealing property and vandalizing homes and businesses... is a form of domestic terrorism and can’t be permitted to continue.” (source)
To paraphrase Ms. Duffy: Whatever your feelings about the federal governments' treatment of ranchers, there are legal ways to make your opinions known. The conduct here, occupation of a federal building with firearms and statements that violence cannot be ruled out, is a form of domestic terrorism and can't be permitted to continue.
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On January 2nd, a group of armed men took over a small, unoccupied federal building on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Whether this "occupation" is to "to protest the federal government’s treatment of a pair of ranchers facing prison time" (source) or an armed land-grab as "part of a long-standing campaign by radical right-wingers to dismantle federal land ownership in the West" (source), we have yet to hear the media refer to this as an act of domestic terrorism. Instead they have been called "militia," "protesters," or "activists." (source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/05/us/in-oregon-law-enforcement-faces-dilemma-in-confronting-armed-group.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=1)
This condition is deplorable. Even animal activists have been considered "domestic terrorists." Consider these words from US attorney Laura Duffy about mink activists in 2015:
“Whatever your feelings about the fur industry, there are legal ways to make your opinions known. The conduct alleged here, sneaking around at night, stealing property and vandalizing homes and businesses with acid, glue, and chemicals, is a form of domestic terrorism and can’t be permitted to continue.” (source)
To paraphrase Ms. Duffy: Whatever your feelings about the federal governments' treatment of ranchers, there are legal ways to make your opinions known. The conduct here, occupation of a federal building with firearms and statements that violence cannot be ruled out, is a form of domestic terrorism and can't be permitted to continue.
Please sign and share to show the media we will no longer tolerate whitewashed labels.