Save the Wildlife of Lakemont Park!!!
Hello 👋,
The lake at Lakemont Park, Pennsylvania, is being drained, threatening fish, turtles and other wildlife. If the lake is drained any further, more animals could die due to suffocation and loss of habitat (a loss of habitat would mean a lack of food, and affect the amount of water available to them for drinking, swimming and breathing).
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has even described that live composting of fish would be the best “solution”!!! This is so unacceptable!!!! Those poor wildlife have just as much right to live as we do!!!
Blair County “own” the lake and are not giving permission for the locals to rescue the animals. Why should anyone be penalised or punished for saving and helping others??
Fish have feelings. They may not feel pain just like we do, but they probably do feel it. In fact, they are known to be very sensitive creatures.
Please sign and share and contact these people to kindly urge them to stop draining the lake, allow people to rescue the animals and save the lake and the wildlife!!!
Thank you 😊.
Have a lovely 😊, beautiful day and night!
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione