Save The Animals, Stop Animal Testing!

Every time you pick up a Revlon product you might not realize the cruelty that went into making it. Animals such as mice, bunnies, etc. are used to see if make up is consumer friendly. By doing this they are torturing the animals ( some of the make up actually makes the bunnies eyes bleed) and when the animals are of no use to them they are killed. There are many companies that are consumer friendly and don't test on animals. Revlon doesn't have to do animal testing, they just choose to. Save animals, sign the petition.

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Revlon says that they don't test on animals, but they do business with China who requires it. I'm sorry, but you either do test on animals or you don't. And if you do you can't say otherwise.
Thank you everyone who signed the petition.
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