Light Up The Empire State Building Yellow to Honor SpongeBob Squarepants Creator Stephen Hillenburg

  • da: Alison P.
  • destinatario: Empire State Building, New York

Stephen Hillenburg was a marine biologist, animator, cartoonist and voice actor. He was also the creator of one of my all-time favorite cartoon's, SpongeBob Squarepants. Which is why I was so sad to hear that he passed away from ALS this week at only 57-years-old.

To honor Stephen, his work and drive awareness around ALS, I'm hoping you will sign my petition asking The Empire State Building in New York to light up yellow!

SpongeBob brightened up so many people's lives — it's only fitting we should brighten up the Empire State Building to honor him!

SpongeBob Squarepants has taught his audience not only about friendship but helped to drive awareness around the importance of ocean conservation. It was Stephen's genius that was able to invent a character who could connect with kids and adults to deliver such an important message in a fun and charming way.

As Nickelodeon Studios is based in New York, I felt it fitting to ask the Big Apple to show its love for Stephen by embracing SpongeBob's classic yellow glow.

Please sign my petition asking The Empire State Building to light up yellow in honor of Stephen Hillenburg!

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