Stop Rougham’s historic WW2 Airfield being sold off

Stop Rougham's historic WW2 Airfield being sold to greedy developers !
An important historical landmark that was used in the 2nd World War for our freedoms we have today that many service personnel defended with their lives which many lost. 
A open space used by at least 3 organisations flight training and hangarage, model aircraft club and a kite flying club and a venue for summer aviation shows that so many people enjoy. 

Aggiorna #32 anni fa
2000 signatures !!! A huge thank you to you all and not just local people but from around the world Australia,United States Of America, Sweden to name a few !
Aggiorna #22 anni fa
Smashed the 1000 target ! ? ? I have now contacted the local press and request that they run an article on why so many people are against this plan and to give our point of view.
I will keep you all updated on any progress.
Thank you
Aggiorna #12 anni fa
558 signers in just 22 hours over half way to my 1000 target which is absolutely fantastic and want to say a big thank you to you everyone so far !
If I can achieve 1000 signers then I plan to contact the press for even a wider coverage and awareness of this so important subject.
Kind regards
Chris Smith
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