Stop Iceland sending shipments of whale meat to Japan

  • da: Melissa Wardale
  • destinatario: Icelandic whaling company Hvalur HF and the Icelandic government


A ship carrying 1,700 tonnes of whale meat left Iceland on Thursday 4th June bound for Japan. There is no humane way to kill animals of that size and there is no need for this meat and certainly no need for Iceland’s economy or fisheries industry to do this.

Currently, Iceland and Norway are the only nations that openly defy the International Whaling Commission’s 1986 ban on hunting whales.

Japan has used a legal loophole in the ban that allows it to continue hunting the animals in order to gather scientific data – but it has never made a secret of the fact that the whale meat from these hunts often ends up on dining tables.

Last year, a shipment from Iceland to Japan made only one stop, outside a Madagascan harbour. A stop had been planned in South Africa but was cancelled after protests prompted the government to declare it unwelcome.
This recent shipment will have 4 stops to make before it reaches Japan. The countries the boat will stop at need to boycott and impose bans/fines on these ships.

Whaling is a crime against such beautiful creatures.

Please take the time to sign the petition and help put a stop to this trade route.

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