Facebook: Don´t allow trolls and bullies on pet pages!!!

  • da: Marion Friedl
  • destinatario: Facebook Support https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323

The trolls and bullies on pet pages that have been created by the owners of cats, dogs, rabbits or whatever kind of pets for fun, entertainment or as pleads for adopting instead of buying pets from pet mills are getting more and more, so many pages had trolls on them already, like Homer Blind Wonder Cat, Frosty The Frozen Kitten, Emerson and the gang at Miller´s Safe Haven, Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary Inc., Chase No Face and many more, some pages´creators even thought about closing down their pages because they´ve been deeply hurt,  I ask Facebook not to allow any trolling and to remove the profiles of all trolls that are reported by animal lovers!!!
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
In the meantime more pet pages had trolls on them, Homer Blind Wondercat had them for the xth time, and then Chase No Face, Just Niles and The Adventures Of Sugar and Gordito, this horror has to stop!!!
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