Stop Marineland From Abusing Innocent Lives!

It is likely that you have heard of Marineland, that amazing place for children to go and see wonderful animals, ride roller coasters and have a great time. But did you hear that Marineland abuses their animals?

The bears are eating moldy produce and fly infested fish. The whales are separated from their children and raised in a small tank, sick and injured deer that were supposed to be cared for by Marineland were left to die and the deer´s pens are never cleaned.

Marineland was recently charged with eleven counts of animal cruelty and the crown attorney said that they could have proceeded on 3 of them but did not believe the public was interested. We must prove that we care about these lives and force them to reconsider those 3 charges.

What we are proposing today is for Marineland to shut down forever and to never be allowed to care for animals ever again. Animals are not meant to be tortured for entertainment, they are kind, gentle and amazing beings and they deserve as much love as the rest of us. If you sign this petition together we will help protect these lives. I also ask that you please sign the original petition as well which you will find here
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