On October 13, 2013 Dutch, an 8yr old German Shorthaired Pointer, was running through Pennypack Park (as he did most days) when he was stabbed to death in the neck by Daniel Santosusso. Santosusso has admitted stabbing Dutch, but claims it was in self defense. Dutch had gotten into a little squabble with Santosusso's dog months earlier, and ever since he has been threatning to kill Dutch, even showing another dog owner the knife he would use.
Nobody actually witnessed the stabbing, but as a GSP owner I can tell you they are friendly to people, playful with dogs and kids, and are not aggressive in any way (unless you're a squirrel or a rabbit). I don't believe for a second that Dutch attacked Santosusso... who had been pre-meditating about killing Dutch for months. He needs to pay for what he's done! Please tell the Philadelphia PA SPCA and District Attorney to make Santosusso pay for murdering Dutch in cold blood. For the full story see http://articles.philly.com/2014-03-05/news/47938412_1_beloved-dog-pennypack-creek-dutch
On October 13, 2013 Dutch, an 8yr old German Shorthaired Pointer, was running through Pennypack Park (as he did most days) when he was stabbed to death in the neck by Daniel Santosusso. Santosusso has admitted stabbing Dutch, but claims it was in self defense. Dutch had gotten into a little squabble with Santosusso's dog months earlier, and ever since he has been threatning to kill Dutch, even showing another dog owner the knife he would use.
Nobody actually witnessed the stabbing, but as a GSP owner I can tell you they are friendly to people, playful with dogs and kids, and are not aggressive in any way (unless you're a squirrel or a rabbit). I don't believe for a second that Dutch attacked Santosusso... who had been pre-meditating about killing Dutch for months. He needs to pay for what he's done! Please tell the Philadelphia PA SPCA and District Attorney to make Santosusso pay for murdering Dutch in cold blood.