Freedom for West Papua Melanesia!

  • da: Stephanie Alicia Grant
  • destinatario: All of Pacific Oceania, Africa and Europe including Australian Government!

Since the early 1960's West Papua Melanesia has been under the illegal and brutal Government system of Indonesia which had been supported by America and the United Nations at that time to do illegal takeover of the western half of New Guinea Island. The local Melanesian people of West Papua have been under the brutal military regime of Indonesia who have tortured, raped, murdered, kidnapped and harassed the local Melanesian people from the early 1960's until this current time. Their numbers have been greatly reduced and their health is deteriorating with HIV becoming a problem amongst the people, because of the Prostitution Brothels that the Indonesian Government and other foreigners have set up near the mining area of Timika and Mimika in the highlands of Western New Guinea.

The Melanesian people of Western New Guinea/West Papua desperately need international intervention to help them become an independent nation that the Dutch had already prepared them for in 1961 with all of their national and parliament symbols, until Indonesia had forcibly sent their military armed with American Guns to shoot the Melanesian people because they wanted the many mineral, natural resources that are extracted from the Freeport mining which is feeding America and Indonesian mouths, but the local Melanesian people don't benefit from any of these riches, instead continue to become poorer every day.

Sejak awal 1960-an Papua Barat Melanesia telah berada di bawah sistem Pemerintah ilegal dan brutal Indonesia yang telah didukung oleh Amerika dan PBB pada waktu itu untuk melakukan pengambilalihan ilegal dari setengah bagian barat dari Pulau New Guinea. The Melanesian lokal orang Papua Barat telah berada di bawah rezim militer yang brutal di Indonesia yang telah disiksa, diperkosa, dibunuh, diculik dan dilecehkan Melanesia masyarakat dari tahun 1960-an sampai saat ini saat ini. Jumlah mereka telah sangat berkurang dan kesehatan mereka memburuk dengan HIV menjadi masalah antara orang-orang, karena Brothels Pelacuran bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia dan orang asing lainnya telah menyiapkan dekat daerah pertambangan Timika dan di dataran tinggi Mimika Barat New Guinea .

Orang-orang Melanesia Barat New Guinea / Papua Barat sangat membutuhkan intervensi internasional untuk membantu mereka menjadi negara merdeka bahwa Belanda sudah mempersiapkan mereka untuk tahun 1961 dengan semua mereka nasional dan simbol parlemen, sampai Indonesia telah secara paksa dikirim mereka bersenjata militer dengan Amerika senjata untuk menembak orang-orang Melanesia karena mereka ingin mineral banyak, sumber daya alam yang diekstrak dari tambang Freeport yang makan Amerika dan mulut Indonesia, tetapi Melanesia masyarakat setempat tidak mendapatkan manfaat dari salah satu kekayaan, bukannya terus menjadi miskin setiap hari.

Depuis le début des années 1960 Mélanésie Papouasie occidentale a été sous le régime du gouvernement illégal et brutal de l'Indonésie qui avait été pris en charge par l'Amérique et l'Organisation des Nations Unies à l'époque de faire prise de contrôle illégale de la moitié occidentale de l'île de Nouvelle-Guinée. Les populations locales mélanésiens de Papouasie occidentale ont été sous le régime militaire brutal de l'Indonésie qui ont torturé, violé, tué, enlevé et harcelé les populations locales mélanésiennes depuis le début des années 1960 jusqu'à cette date en cours. Leur nombre a été considérablement réduit et leur santé se détériore avec le VIH devient un problème parmi les gens, à cause de la prostitution dans les bordels que le Gouvernement indonésien et d'autres étrangers ont mis en place près de la zone d'exploitation minière de Timika et Mimika dans les hautes terres de Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale .

Les Mélanésiens de Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale / Papouasie occidentale ont désespérément besoin d'une intervention internationale pour les aider à devenir une nation indépendante que les Hollandais avaient déjà préparé pour, en 1961, avec l'ensemble de leurs symboles nationaux et du Parlement, jusqu'à ce que l'Indonésie avait été envoyée de force de leur armée militaire à l'américaine fusils pour tirer les Mélanésiens parce qu'ils voulaient le minéral nombre, les ressources naturelles qui sont extraites de l'exploitation minière Freeport qui alimente l'Amérique et la bouche indonésiennes, mais la population locale mélanésiens ne bénéficient d'aucune de ces richesses, au lieu de continuer à s'appauvrir tous les jours.

Dall'inizio degli anni 1960 Papua Occidentale Melanesia è stato sotto il sistema di governo illegale e brutale di Indonesia che era stato sostenuto da America e le Nazioni Unite in quel momento di fare dell'occupazione illegale della metà occidentale della Nuova Guinea Island. La gente del luogo melanesiano della Papua Occidentale sono stati sotto il brutale regime militare di Indonesia che hanno torturata, violentata, uccisa, rapito e molestato la popolazione locale melanesiano dal primi anni del 1960 fino a questo momento in corso. I loro numeri sono stati notevolmente ridotti e la loro salute si sta deteriorando con l'HIV diventando un problema tra la gente, a causa dei Bordelli Prostituzione che il governo indonesiano e altri stranieri hanno creato vicino alla zona mineraria di Timika e Mimika negli altopiani del Western New Guinea .

Il popolo melanesiano della Nuova Guinea Occidentale / West Papua un disperato bisogno di un intervento internazionale per aiutarli a diventare una nazione indipendente che gli olandesi li aveva già preparato nel 1961 con tutti i loro simboli nazionali e del Parlamento, fino a quando l'Indonesia ha inviato la loro forza militare armato con American Guns per sparare al popolo melanesiano perché volevano il minerale molti, le risorse naturali che vengono estratti dal mineraria Freeport, che è l'alimentazione America e bocche indonesiani, ma la gente del posto melanesiano non beneficiano di nessuna di queste ricchezze, invece continuano a ridursi ogni giorno.

Dear all concerned, to all of Pacific Oceania, including the Australian Government,

West Papua Melanesia needs to become a free and independent nation of Western Melanesia.

As we all know that the situation of West Papua was illegal from the beginning.

Since the early 1960's West Papua Melanesia has been under the illegal and brutal Government system of Indonesia which had been supported by America and the United Nations at that time to do illegal takeover of the western half of New Guinea Island. The local Melanesian people of West Papua have been under the brutal military regime of Indonesia who have tortured, raped, murdered, kidnapped and harassed the local Melanesian people from the early 1960's until this current time. Their numbers have been greatly reduced and their health is deteriorating with HIV becoming a problem amongst the people, because of the Prostitution Brothels that the Indonesian Government and other foreigners have set up near the mining area of Timika and Mimika in the highlands of Western New Guinea.

The Melanesian people of Western New Guinea/West Papua desperately need international intervention to help them become an independent nation that the Dutch had already prepared them for in 1961 with all of their national and parliament symbols, until Indonesia had forcibly sent their military armed with American Guns to shoot the Melanesian people because they wanted the many mineral, natural resources that are extracted from the Freeport mining which is feeding America and Indonesian mouths, but the local Melanesian people don't benefit from any of these riches, instead continue to become poorer ever

Kind Regards, Stephanie Alicia Grant

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