An Australian puppy farmer has been neglecting and mistreating over a hundred animals in her care!

  • da: Leeann Price
  • destinatario: New Zealand Minister for Agriculture, Damien O,Connor

A puppy farmer from South Australia has been cruelly mistreating the animals in her care and is believed to have fled to New Zealand after being charged with 33 counts of animal cruelty. The RSPCA has been investigating Dora Ryan since 2017, but have only recently grasped how badly the animals under her care were being treated.

Urge the New Zealand Minister for Agriculture to assist Australian authorities with finding this woman and extraditing her back to Australia to be held accountable for the charges against her.

RSPCA inspectors initally found 75 dogs and puppies, 45 horses, 25 chickens, and 7 sheep living in squalid, dirty, improperly maintained and unkempt conditions at Ryan's property in 2017, leading her to be charged with 27 counts of animal cruelty. Two years later, five horses and another dog were seized due to neglect, and Ryan received 6 more counts of animal cruelty. But before she could be sentenced, it is alleged that Dora Ryan fled to New Zealand with more dogs and horses, appriximately 20 of each, that are still in grave danger.

Some of the animals seized were so underweight and sick when they were found that euthenasia was the only option. One of the horses even collapsed and died shortly after being rescued. This unempathetic woman showed no remorse and a complete disregard for the welfare of her animals; the only thing she cared about was making a profit.

Sign Now! Tell the New Zealand Minister for Agriculture Damien O'Connor to find this woman, sieze her animals, and extradite her back to Australia for sentencing.

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