Stop the Wilpinjong Coal Mine Expansion

  • da: Georgia B
  • destinatario: Gladys Berejiklian, Premier of NSW

A proposed coal mine expansion has been approved in NSW despite fierce opposition from local residents and green groups, according to a report on

The report alleges any expansion of the Wilpinjong Coal Mine will contribute to the decline of a nearby village, destroy 160ha of koala habitat, 190 hectares of regent honeyeater habitat, and would pose a threat to another 36 threatened species while generating millions of tonnes of carbon pollution.

The report states: "An Environmental Impact Statement prepared by the proponent, Peabody Energy, last year found no social benefits for the nearby village of Wollar. It warned of more frequent noise, increased dust, and possible loss of services. Three community members, who were among a group of about 25 blockading the entrance to the mine site, were arrested a fortnight ago."

The Wilpinjong Coal Mine expansion should not go ahead. Local residents, wildlife and the environment need to be protected! Please sign and share the petition.

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