Demand an End to Stray Cat Massacre in Pompano Beach, Now!

    Pompano Beach is the only city that does not participate in Broward County’s “Return to the Field” policy, which allows for feral cats to be vaccinated, sterilized and returned to where they were picked up. Pompano Beach Animal Control traps stray cats and they kill them in their truck. Because there is no facility in Pompano Beach, cats are euthanized inside an animal control officer’s truck. These trucks are murder trucks! There is NO humane way of killing a healthy animal who is smart, caring and sensitive without even giving them a second chance. These stray cats are dumped by some selfish and ignorant people and their numbers increased in time. To live on the streets was NOT their choice. These cats are all scared, thin, hungry and strive to survive in a dangerous environment. Some of them are chipped house cats who accidentally run away. These cats get NO chance to reunite with their caretakers or find a forever loving home. There are some good hearted people who try to feed and save these cats and in the past, some of them get fined for feeding these cats. This has to STOP.

    Please sign this petition to urge Pompano Beach officials to stop murdering stray cats and build a shelter in the city to keep stray cats safe. Please pledge NOT to spend any money in Pompano Beach by using your voice and buying power because all of you have a power. Your choices and voice do matter. City officials and commissioners are NOT listening us and do not want to hear our voices so by not spending any money in Pompano Beach and canceling your travel plan to this area which is a touristic area, we can make this happen. Businesses and companies in the area will also demand this cruelty and barbarism to stop from city officials to win clients and business back. This will teach city officials a lesson about animal rights and assure that this will NEVER happen again in Pompano Beach and in any city in Broward County. Murdering a stray cat is no different than murdering a homeless person. Please share this petition and contact state representatives in Florida to make this happen! Let's save the poor, innocent and unlucky stray cats in Pompano Beach!

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