Help put an end to the Narooma Huntfest

  • da: Georgina B
  • destinatario: Mayor and Councillors of Eurobodalla Shire Council

Australia enjoys some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Australia’s strict gun laws and the gun buyback in the wake of the 1996 Port Arthur massacre has prevented further mass shootings

But as hunting enthusiasts converged on the Narooma Huntfest - an exhibition of guns, archery and animal butchering held in the New South Wales town of Narooma every June - many Australians were concerned. School teachers, aware of recent gun violence in US schools, opposed the Huntfest on the grounds that it sends the wrong message about guns to young people.

Many Narooma residents, afraid Huntfest was giving the town a bad reputation, protested by staging a photography exhibition that ‘shoots’ animals with a camera. Huntfest started out as a photography exhibition until organisers sought, and won, council approval to expand the event into a gun exhibition.

US President Obama revealed the biggest frustration of his presidency was that Washington had not even taken steps to keep guns out of the hands of people that can do “unbelievable damage.” Don’t let Australia go the same way. Please sign the petition to help put an end to the Narooma Huntfest - starting by refusing organisers the right to sell guns and ammunition.






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