Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies

If you fell in love with the Nabisco Chocolate Snap cookies in the 70's and 80's, then sign this petition.  It is to let Nabisco know how much we love and want them back onto the store shelves for us all to enjoy once again.

Dear Nabisco,
As consumers of your products for many years, we would like to see the old version of Chocolate Snaps brought back to life for the millions of people who loved them then and want to love them now. The internet has many followers longing for those Chocolate Snaps cookies.  As you sell many good products, we think the Chocolate Snaps was by far one of, if not the best cookie made. With this petition of thousands, we emplore the company to reconsider in bringing the Chocolate Snaps back.  There are a lot of people around the country; maybe the world, waiting to buy. 

Thank You

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