Our answer to mass execution of dogs in Kazan. You look please the address on a site change.org with heading "FISU and EU: Boycott Kazan Mafia killers of Strays and Universiade on blood".
Initially, stray dogs caused the small and quite solved conflict in our society. In general, its decision was consolidated to that for these animals someone was charged, having assumed some obligations to society. And was simple sociological poll which would reveal all positions, all pros and cons, all specifications and public comments enough, having allowed the government to come thus to the compromise solution of rather stray dogs, the decision which would suit all parties in our society.
However, such poll of the population from the government not only didn't take a place, but the government decided to settle this problem the methods, without looking at all at opinions subordinated, at all without having wished even to penetrate into a practical and social essence of this conflict.
Certainly, directly to accuse the government that it sponsors "dogs hunters", we now can't as, we have no direct proofs and proofs of this "cooperation" concluded besides our will, besides our opinion, at us behind the back.
But the simple logic leads us to such conclusion. Judge for yourself. If "dogs hunters" - aren't late law-enforcement structures if complaints to them from the population - are senseless and useless, so they, probably, are encouraged with the government?
At the level of charge we can't approve it as, I will repeat, we can't unambiguously prove it. But we consider to suspect of it ourselves in the right.
First of all that fact forms the basis for such suspicion that work with the population in the sphere of this problem the government really wasn't conducted. Any public discussions, any sociological polls concerning destiny of homeless animals - it wasn't carried out.
Thus, we consider for themselves dangerous further to be under the leadership of such leaders. After all, it turns out that anybody won't ask our opinion, so, none of the management not in the answer for potentially dangerous social conflicts. To solve these conflicts while they still are subject to peaceful and constructive settlement - the government doesn't gather as it is visible. And it, at least.
ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ ! Правительство нарушает ЗАКОН ! Читаем все: Форум ОРОО «Друг»: "Отлов безнадзорных животных с точки зрения российского права"
PAY ATTENTION! The government breaks the LAW! Read everyone: OROO "Friend" forum: "Catching of neglected animals from the point of view of the Russian right"
Изначально, бездомные собаки вызывали в нашем обществе небольшой и вполне решаемый конфликт. В общих чертах, его решение сводилось к тому, чтобы за этих животных кто-то поручился, приняв на себя некоторые обязательства перед обществом. И достаточно было простого социологического опроса, который бы выявил все позиции, все "за" и "против", все уточнения и комментарии общественности, позволив правительству таким образом прийти к компромиссному решению относительно бездомных собак, решению, которое устраивало бы все стороны в нашем обществе.
Однако, такой опрос населения со стороны правительства не только не имел места, но правительство решило уладить эту проблему своими методами, совершенно не взирая на мнения своих подчинённых, нисколько не пожелав даже вникнуть в практическую и социальную суть этого конфликта.
Конечно, прямо обвинить правительство в том, что оно спонсирует догхантеров, мы сейчас не можем, поскольку, у нас нет непосредственных доказательств и улик этого "сотрудничества", заключённого помимо нашей воли, помимо нашего мнения, у нас за спиной.
Но простая логика приводит нас именно к такому выводу. Посудите сами. Если догхантеры - не задерживаются правоохранительными структурами, если жалобы на них со стороны населения - бессмысленны и бесполезны, значит, они, видимо, поощряются правительством?
На уровне обвинения мы не можем это утверждать, поскольку, повторю, мы не можем это однозначно доказать. Но подозревать в этом мы считаем себя в праве.
Основанием для такого подозрения служит прежде всего тот факт, что работа с населением в сфере этой проблемы правительством действительно не велась. Никаких публичных обсуждений, никаких социологических опросов по поводу судьбы бездомных животных - не проводилось.
Таким образом, считаем для себя опасным далее находиться под руководством таких лидеров. Ведь, получается, что нашего мнения никто спрашивать не будет, а значит, никто из руководства не в ответе за потенциально опасные социальные конфликты. Решать эти конфликты, пока они ещё подлежат мирному и конструктивному урегулированию - правительство не собирается, как видим. И это, как минимум.
Initially, stray dogs caused the small and quite solved conflict in our society. In general, its decision was consolidated to that for these animals someone was charged, having assumed some obligations to society. And was simple sociological poll which would reveal all positions, all pros and cons, all specifications and public comments enough, having allowed the government to come thus to the compromise solution of rather stray dogs, the decision which would suit all parties in our society.
However, such poll of the population from the government not only didn't take a place, but the government decided to settle this problem the methods, without looking at all at opinions subordinated, at all without having wished even to penetrate into a practical and social essence of this conflict.
Certainly, directly to accuse the government that it sponsors "dogs hunters", we now can't as, we have no direct proofs and proofs of this "cooperation" concluded besides our will, besides our opinion, at us behind the back.
But the simple logic leads us to such conclusion. Judge for yourself. If "dogs hunters" - aren't late law-enforcement structures if complaints to them from the population - are senseless and useless, so they, probably, are encouraged with the government?
At the level of charge we can't approve it as, I will repeat, we can't unambiguously prove it. But we consider to suspect of it ourselves in the right.
First of all that fact forms the basis for such suspicion that work with the population in the sphere of this problem the government really wasn't conducted. Any public discussions, any sociological polls concerning destiny of homeless animals - it wasn't carried out.
Thus, we consider for themselves dangerous further to be under the leadership of such leaders. After all, it turns out that anybody won't ask our opinion, so, none of the management not in the answer for potentially dangerous social conflicts. To solve these conflicts while they still are subject to peaceful and constructive settlement - the government doesn't gather as it is visible. And it, at least.
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