Urge the Australian Government to Ban the Live Export of Greyhound Dogs

  • da: Georgina B.
  • destinatario: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Greyhound dogs that have failed to make it on the racing track are being shipped to Asia where they are reported to be living in "shocking conditions", according to a report on ABC.net.au

Although not technically illegal, trainers and owners are alleged to be exporting the dogs without the required passport, which is in breach of the established racing rules.

The report states: "Animals Australia campaign director Lyn White said that conditions for greyhounds in Macau are abhorrent.

"For those dogs it's a death sentence, it's a straight out death sentence," Ms White told 7.30. "The conditions are awful, it's prison-like, barren cells, and in fact it really is like being exported to another country and put on death row."

Greyhound dogs deserve better! Will you join me in urging the Australian Government to pass legislation to make it illegal to live export greyhound racing dogs and to increase fines and jail terms to deter offenders?

Please sign and share the petition.

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