We demand an immediate ending to the suffering of animals in a private zoo

We are demanding to stop cruel animals exploitation! Please help us to reach our aim and give to animals the chance to be saved and removed from the cruelty and greediness!

In the Ukrainian village named "the first of may" on the Donetskaya oblast a man illegally keeps more than eighty wild animals in absolutely unacceptable conditions. The animals were received from multiple sources illegally. He has no right to keep any of them. Almost all the animals have many sicknesses, have awful health conditions and stay in a deep depression. Animals are caged in small cages so they can't just stand and move. They just defecate right below themselves in their cages. The owner neglects the rules of sanitary norms and does not give them a proper diet. He feeds animals in a horrible way. Cages stand outside without shelter from rain and cold. They are just freezing and slowly dying.

Veterinarians are certain that all of the animals must be removed from these cruel conditions and should be subjected for immediate recovery of health and psyche. Volunteers are demanding to stop this injustice and ask for him for voluntarily transfer of animals to shelters. But he refused and doesn't let anyone in. So, please help us to demand the removal of animals and stop the criminal bullying of them.

Aggiorna #16 anni fa
Thank you to all who signed this petition!!! You really helped us very much! Thanks to your kindness we have a chance to save these poor animals!!!
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