• da: Sandra Ponce
  • destinatario: Law enforcement of area where identified

PLEASE HELP ME identify these criminals! If they are not held responsible they will continue to torture and kill defenseless animals.  It takes a really sick mind to do this and then publish their picture.....what's to be so proud off??  

I have had this petition up for signatures before with only minimal signatures and no leads.  I will continue to publish until they are brought to justice.  If you signed before, please resign.  I'm personally offering a $100.00 REWARD for all creditable leads. If you need to email me privately with info., send to Care2 and find their link for messaging to me personally.

Thanks to all, Sandra

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
I just received word that these two jerks have already been arrested and jailed for their brutality against animals. Thanks to the gentleman who informed me of this situation and all who signed this petition. This is now CLOSED!
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