Fix Angelo Dr, Beverly Dr, Lawnview Dr and other neighborhood roads in Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi roads have been plagued with flooding, potholes, cracks and even sediment. Sometimes, mud and algae grow with the near constant flooding of our streets. With the North Beach Canal project starting, I would like to get the attention of the city council to get the neighborhood roads of Corpus Christi restored. In the past two years I've been in Corpus Christi (Moved from Portland, Oregon), I have seen some major damage with our roads myself that no one has been speaking up about. In Portland, Oregon these roads would have been repaired or even completely remade within five years. Our major roads have been restored, but now it's time to focus on our neighborhoods before we get the North Beach canal started! I've lost several pets and stray cats we have been taken care of over the years because of the lack of speed-bumps, hundreds of frogs and toads flattened by cars, homes damaged from floods and even as far as other neighbors threatening to sue the city for the constant flooding! Our sidewalks are in a state of disrepair, pedestrians like myself sometimes have to walk in the middle of the road to get to walkable sidewalks, which is a huge risk for motor vehicle injuries. Riding on these streets on a bike, scooter or motorcycle is dangerous with numerous potholes and tar lines on the ground, which can cost more lives if the roads are not replaced soon.  I propose to re-cement our roads from scratch, install more storm drains, as well as raising and restoring the sidewalks on our streets. Let's keep our city shining and beautiful!

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