Ban the trafficking of African Rhinoceros Horns Permanently

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: African Government for Wildlife Protection & the IFAW

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to put an end to the killing and poaching of the rhino that is a big business in Africa for their rhino horns. The IFAW or International Fund for Animal Welfare believes and states that rhino horn trafficking is getting way out of control.

Recent studies and reports have shown that the trafficking of the African rhino horns have escalated by leaps and bounds within the past several years, spiraling out of control, as noted by animal protection advocates. Statistics show that in 2013, more than 2,000 rhinoceros horns from Africa were trafficked, which is 30 times more than in 2000. These figures came from the director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) for France and French speaking Africa.

Trafficking shows also an increase in ivory and products from tigers through very organized networks. Rhino horns on the demand due to its compound of keratin which is the same material found in hair and nails, making this "product" a skyrocketed necessity. Asia is a major source for the demand of the horn which is powdered and worth roughly $35,000 to these countries. Experts say it is as valuable to these people as cocaine and gold and if the demand continues to escalate, the existence of the rhino that has shrunk in numbers by 70 percent since 1970, will nearly disappear.

Please help us in putting an end to rhino horn trafficking by protecting and banning the killing of the African rhino by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all media sites. If nothing is done quickly, the rhino will no longer exist!

African Government for Wildlife Protection & the IFAW - Please provide and enforce much stricter laws and regulations regarding the killing and poaching of the African rhinoceros for the production of their horns. With the current rate of trafficking the rhino horns, this animal will become completely extinct in just a matter of years. Their numbers continue to drop and are in danger of disappearing from the face of the earth!! Stop the killing/poaching of the African rhino and completely ban the trafficking of the rhino horns! Save these animals immediately!

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