Help the Giant Ibis before it becomes a dying breed
- da: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
- destinatario: The Prime Minister of Cambodia, Mr. Hun Sen to ensure more protected area and stop hunting of Giant Ibis
The Giant Ibis original habitat was the open forests in the South East Asia.This open forests have disappeared because of being turned into rice fields . It is believed to be extinct since no one has seen these birds in South East Asia. After more than 30 years of fighting in Cambodia there was the first sighting of this prehistoric looking bird,now it only exist in the northern plains of Cambodia, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) it is classified as Critically Endangered with only less than 250 bird believed to still exist and its number still decreasing .
The major threats for this birds is the hunting , wetland drainage for agriculture and due to deforestation , the increasing number of humans live near them since the Giant Ibis don't like to be disturbed and they are very shy .
After more than 30 years of fighting in Cambodia there was the first sighting of this prehistoric looking bird,now it only exist in the northern plains of Cambodia, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) it is classified as Critically Endangered with only less than 250 bird believed to still exist and its number still decreasing .
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