Stop Using Elephants in the St. Louis Moolah Shrine Circus

The St. Louis Moolah Shrine Circus still uses elephants. Ringling Bros. circus recently announced it would retire all of its elephants by 2018 -- isn't it time Moolah Shrine Circus did the same?

Please sign the petition to ask Moolah Shrine Circus to follow Ringling's lead and retire its elephants!

In March 2015, 3 elephants in the care of Moolah Shrine escaped through a back door and roamed a parking lot. Two cars were damaged, though no one was injured. A circus official said last year, elephants tried to escape through a back door to get to a "safe space," but the door was partially closed so they pushed through it, knocking the door off its track. The elephants became confused once outside.

It's incidents like these that illustrate exactly why elephants belong in their natural habitats, not in entertainment venues.

We need the use of elephants for entertainment to be stopped to show children that animals desire -- and deserve -- humane treatment.

Please sign the petition to ask Moolah Shrine Circus to follow Ringling's lead and retire its elephants!

Here is the email for the Circus Director
We at Care2 have impacted the biggest circus, Ringling Bros, and convinced them to retire their elephants. It's time for smaller, local circuses, including Moolah Shrine Circus, to do the same. Elephants are social creatures and deserve to spend their lives free and roaming, not confined to circus tents.
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