Stop the Six Bay Area Cities From Allowing Giant Water Slides During Statewide Drought!

  • da: Gloria Kashani
  • destinatario: Slide The City by McFarlane Promotions, City of Oakland, City of San Jose, City of San Francisco, City of Santa Cruz, City of San Rafael, and City of Vallejo

California is currently facing one of the worst droughts that has been recorded in the state's history. Many Californians have been asked to be water wise because of this drought. Some people have even been faced with fines if water use has been too high.

It is extremely irresponsible for any city in California to allow an event like one featuring a giant water slide to take place for the sake of money and fun while the state as a whole has been suffering from this drought. A similar petition to this one stopped the same event scheduled in Downtown Los Angeles this past September.

I am asking you to please sign this petition today so that we may stop this event from taking place in the Bay Area and any other area in the state of California. Thank you!

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