Marius The Giraffe's Murder Must Be Avenged!!

 Bengt Holst Scientific Director of the Copenhagen Zoo & anyone else involved in the descion to murder & butcher a healthy giraffe named Marius must be terminated from their positions and never allowed to work in a zoo or anything involving animals ever again. Despite offers from several zoo's to take in Maurice the descion was made to kill ,butcher & feed the dead giraffe to lions while horrified school children looked on! This  is an outeage as zoo's should be preserving life not killing healthy animals!

Aggiorna #111 anni fa
We need to keep the pressure on by signing this petition To have Bengt Holst resign from the Copenhagen zoo. He is a disgrace acting more like a mad scientist than one who has compassion for animals Many other zoo's offered to take Marius the giraffe in,but instead he was butchered in front of children & the remains fed to lions! This disgusts & angers me!! Please join me in signing this important petition AnotherDanish zoo is considering killing another giraffe who is also named Marius!!
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