Please require the Department of State to apply the coral protection that is required by Executive Order 13089, thus ensuring that all FAA projects at the Majuro airport in the Marshall Islands refrain from again using coral reef mining as a source of fill for its airport master plan (this is desirable and indeed possible due to a huge supply of fill in the lagoon, away from coral). By doing so, the "addiction" of destructive coral mining can finally be ended in the Marshall Islands, where living coral is needed to protect the increasingly vulnerable shorelines.
The FAA, in a series of airport improvement projects using local contractors, has unintentionally caused the mining of near-shore lagoon coral reefs as a source of fill; the local EPA has always approved or ignored this practice. For example, in 2008 a large reef was mined by PII (a local company) for the ARFF fire station project (pictures available on Flickr). The US is required to follow a higher environmental road, thanks to Bill Clinton's Executive Order 13089, which specifically requires protection of coral reefs even outside the US. Yet coral mining has again been approved, and may start within months, if local EPA approves it (for a second time) and if the US Embassy here in Majuro approves the local approval. See ten short videos of the reef at:
Aggiorna #211 anni fa
Probably because of the underwater video in my Youtube movie, the RMI Attorney General's office is now prosecuting me for criminal trespass in August 2012. A naked, outrageous and corrupt move by PII (Jerry Kramer) to punish me. This is sick, nauseating, and I am seeking help with through the US embassy (the US ambassador as recently praised my environmental activism!). Please send an email to PII and tell them what you think: Thanks!
Aggiorna #111 anni fa
A new youtube video by yours truly updates the Majuro situation... our petition, which is surging this month, was recently brought to the attention of, and endorsed by, Paul Ehrlich and others! We need to reach 10,000, for a response from the White House. Please share this video, if you can:
Thanks for your help! Dean Jacobson