Animal Cruelty Registry

Animal cruelty is a heinous, horrific crime that is inconceivable to most and it happens far too often. Animals that are in the care of the wrong people suffer unimaginable pain, often leading to life-changing abilities, or death, and if the choice were ours to make, most of us would not tolerate it in our environments! Creating an Animal Cruelty Registry wherein the name of any person convicted of  cruelty to an animal is posted would enable us to be more aware of happenings in our own neighborhood. It would allow us all the opportunity to help save an animal before it is severely injured and dies by reporting what we see to proper authorities. Help urge our governing officials to create an ANIMAL CRUELTY REGISTRY to be used as a tool to help prevent this dispicable crime and SAVE OUR ANIMALS!! 

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your support in the quest to have an "Animal Cruelty Registry" created! To date, we have acquired 283 signatures!! That's a great start but we will need a whole lot more to get the attention of governing officials! Please ask your friends and associates to join us in helping to create a better place for all earth's animals to live!!

Again, thanks so much for your support!!
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