Help Bricktown Dogs Stay Warm This Winter

The cold weather is coming and many dogs in our town will be tied up outside during the worst of this winter. Some of our residents choose to keep their pets outside even when it snows and rains and the temperature drops to single digits.

I have presented an ordinance to the Township of Brick that would protect the animals and by law these owners would have to bring their pets in during snowstorms, freezing rain and when the temperature drops to below freezing.

Dogs suffer when they are left outside during inclement weather. They feel the cold just like we do. Over the years, how many stories have we all heard of where a dog was left outside trying to keep itself warm in some wooden or plastic house and froze to death? Sadly, too many.

I would hate to see this happen in our town of Brick. Many towns already have this ordinance in place. No one should have an animal tied to a dog house outside in these conditions.

Please help me to convince our local government that we as a community care about our pets and would like to see them protected in our town.

As I understand it, an ordinance that I submitted to our town council was rejected. While alot of towns in our state are implementing a safety net for our pets I feel like Bricktown is turning their backs on ours. This is a petition created to show our local government that people not only in town but everywhere care about the treatment of our animals. As I send this to you the petition has approx 47,500 signatures. Bricktown and NJ signatures are represented also.  Many, many towns in NJ have already put an ordinance in place. Having such an ordinance doesnt mean that residents can't have their pets outside, it only means that during extreme weather they would need to bring them inside. When temperatures hit close to 100 degrees or dip to below freezing pets kept outdoors can suffer and even die. It is the right thing to do, animals are living breathing creatures and deserve to exist in humane environments.   I hope you will reconsider creating an ordinance that will protect our pets during extreme weather events. I would love the opportunity to discuss this important matter with you. Chris Sito, 908-783-9300

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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