Don't shut down page's..... Shut people behind the cruelty page's down!!!

If youre not reporting to Interpol or any other autority, then FB take this page down..... And the next day there is he's new page and thats what happens time after time after time after........!!!
How can you make people aware because those page's excist and showing on social media!!!!
Don't shut down a page.....Shut the humans behind the page down.....!!!!

Sign this petition, back me up on this so that the cruelty can be stopt by stop the animalabusers not the page's

Thank You

Wilma Lagrand

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Thank you for SIGNING my petition.
Its only on for a week and already have MORE Than 700 signature's.
Please wil you keep sharing we have to make people aware, that closing down page's not stop the abuse.

again Thank you for youre support Wilma Lagrand
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