Stop the Galapagos Islands rat extermination

  • da: Ethan Wells
  • destinatario: Jorge Torres, Governor of Galapagos Province

The Ecuadorian government is currently taking steps to exterminate 180,000,000 rats on the grounds that they are an "invasive" species preying on "native" species.  By the government's own admission, these rats have been on the Galapagos Islands since the 17th century.  To distinguish between native and non-native species on the basis of their arrival to the islands is completely arbitrary, as every single species on the Galapagos Islands could be shown to have originated elsewhere.  We suspect, however, that the primary reason these rats are being killed is not that they're an "invasive" species, but rather that they prey upon species that are more popular with tourists. We believe, however, that it is never justifiable to exterminate a single rat - never mind 180,000,000 - simply in order to make a buck by profiting off the naive misconceptions of others.

Dear Governor Torres,

We are writing to request that you bring to an immediate halt the extermination of 180,000,000 rats on the Galapagos Islands.  These rats have been on the islands since the 17th century, and to claim that they are an "invasive" species that must be eradicated is extremely problematic.  To distinguish between native and non-native species on the basis of their arrival to the islands is completely arbitrary, as every single species on the Galapagos Islands could be shown to have originated elsewhere.  We suspect that the primary reason these rats are being killed is not that they're an "invasive" species, but rather that they prey upon species that are more popular with tourists.  This isn't, however, a legitimate reason to wipe them off the face of the earth.  We therefore humbly request that you reconsider this ill-conceived enterprise.

Thank you for your time, and your patience in reading this request.

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