Urge President Putin to Protect Vulnerable Bear Cubs

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
Bear hunting in Russia is a devastating practice. Although the Russian government limited bear hunting to fall and spring, illegal hunting and poaching still takes place year round.  Bear hunting is especially prevalent in the northern part of Russia. Innocent bears are being killed for sport, and even worse, bear cubs are left behind as orphans -- alone and defenseless.

IFAW Orphan Bears Rehabilitation Center (OBRC) is working to protect and rehabilitate these orphaned bear cubs. The OBRC takes these orphaned cubs in for rehabilitation and releases them in large forests or enclosures fit for their survival.

If we can put an end to bear hunting, we can reduce the number of orphaned bear cubs. What is the point of adopting laws if there's no enforcement? Sign your name to urge the Russian government to protect bears and enforce stricter bear hunting laws!
Dear President Vladimir Putin,

I commend your implementation of laws to ward off the winter bear hunt, but illegal bear hunting and poaching still takes place, leaving many bear cubs orphaned without their mothers.

I strongly urge you to enforce stricter protection of vulnerable bears. Bear cubs are left defenseless and extremely vulnerable. Please uphold hunting laws with strict enforcement, persistent monitoring, and punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

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