Stand Up For Stunts! They Deserve An Academy Award, Too!

  • da: Amber Gallaway
  • destinatario: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Many people do not know that Stunt Professionals do not get an Academy Award, even though they are the ones who literally risk life and limb for their life's passion, the ART FORM they have spent their lifetimes MASTERING... The ART of ACTION! Without their selfless contribution to film, the movies we know and love, would not be nearly as impactful. It is the ART of ACTION, that allows us to experience those thrilling and breathtaking moments that makes our hearts beat faster. Observing the ARTWORK of Stunt Professionals can literally change the way our bodies function!   

Take notice of how The ARTWORK of Stunt Professionals is used, time and time again, as highlights in movie trailers and throughout AWARDS SHOWS, within most of the clips that are used to announce Nominees.

Just as that famous Director's saying goes, "Lights, Camera.... ACTION!" There is an understood, yet UNSUNG value to the last of those 3 necessary components in filmmaking. Directors, Producers, and Studio Execs all know that the ARTWORK of Stunt Professionals is an effective way to motivate people into the box offices and to help captivate an audience during Award Shows.

It is through those adrenaline boosting ACTION SEQUENCES our senses become aroused, anticipation is created, and we are left with an eagerness, we hadn't had moments before. We are left wanting to see more of those MASTERFULLY CRAFTED ACTION SEQUENCES!

So ask yourself, if you have ever held your breath during an impossible leap from a building, been thrilled at a high-speed chase, or clung to the edge of your seat when good and evil fought it out on the big screen, then please sign this petition.

Even if action isn't your cup of tea, but you still agree with this cause, then please take a moment and sign this petition to help make a change to further the understanding and appreciation of this form of artwork in film.

Let's us stand up together and let the Academy know that the men and women who create those death-defying, and thrilling moments, whose Artwork takes our imaginations on incredible adventures and leaves our hearts-pounding for more, these Masters of the Art Craft of Action Design deserve recognition. Stunt Professionals deserve an Oscar!

To help us create more social awareness of our cause, like the Facebook pageInstagram , and Twitter: use the hashtag #StandUpForStunts when posting anything stunt or cause-related. 

Show your solidarity with a Stand UP for Stunts shirt.

Thank you for all of the support! Every bit helps raise awareness!

Aggiorna #25 anni fa
Awareness of Stunt performers and the art of action is at an all time high! Please join the Stand UP for Stunts online community for updates and incredible behind the scenes looks at some of the most memorable action sequences and stunt artists.
IG and FB: @standupforstunts
TW: @standup4stunts

Show your solidarity with a Stand UP for Stunts shirt:

Thank you for helping to spread the word! Let's get Oscars for stunts in 2020!
Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Come join us for a peaceful rally in front of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Headquarters at 8949 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills CA 90211 this Wednesday, February 24th. We will present the petition to the Academy president, so the more people we can get out there the better. Click here for more info and to RSVP. See you there!
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