In 2015 animal rights have really been shocking , from headline to headline of devastating news about hunting , animal cruelty , shocking truth about SEA WORLD and much more. Millions of animals are killed each year most of the deaths caused by humans.What does that say about us ? It takes certain people to look an innocent animal in the eyes and hurt them , physically or even emotionally , every living thing deserves love and care. Headlines such as..
" A MAN IN SOUTH Carlolina has been arrested for animal cruelty after a Staffie called Caitlyn was found with her mouth taped shut, causing serious injuries to the dog’s face. " ( )
I can not get over how cruel and disgusting the human race can be , and people get away with doing these things because they know they have nothing to lose really ? and it's sad knowing that leaders of each country are not doing anything more about changing laws and making people do the time for their crime.
I personally believe every animal should have the same right just as much as a human , they are living creatures with feelings,brains and a heart is that not enough ? From the smart intellegant elephants , Guide dogs , war dogs , endangered lions , monkeys , peoples pets , etc..

Action should be done worldwide for the killing or cruelty to an animal/wildlife or people will think its okay to do so and get away with it , Laws should be adjusted and made stricter to protect all types of animals from the wildlife to our pets at home and its about time somthing is done about it ... Please sign the petition and share with each other to show your support to the most loyal things in the world , animals!