Save Cranes”lLedge Forest, the last in Boston city Limiye

    It is a minority neighborhood of predominantly colored people, unable to reach or afford the Coastal white Communities that Boston Conservation Commission is working among. Many visit the various trails that have grown along the yrs, invigorated by the clean oxigenated air the forest offer. They have typical microclimates that offer breezes for the heat sink that is present in four lane roads and mall parking lots all around this oasis that is scheduled to be clear cut for 270 apts( not condos or homes that allow incentives to “owners”) but perpetual fees for the greedy owners. And with 400 + parking lots the temperatures just went up! As did the already air pollution aggravated by the many commuters trying to leave the city on streets that have been narrowed purposely to slow the traffic which adds to the air pollution there surrounding multi ethnic communities. Not to mention that the land is ledge, solid rocks that will need blasting… to the detriment of surrounding homes. And some on at a Zoom meeting acknowledged that there is an old dump contains who knows what carcinogenic material. At this time of climate change trees are the most necessary deterrent to the spread of pollution. To supplying oxygen to polluted areas. WE THE MINORITY CITIZENS OF BOSTON NEED HELP TO STAND TOGETHER. PROTECT OUR LAST FREE STANDING FORESTS.
    Call: Mayor Kim Janey: and City councilor Ricardo Arroyo: and others thru
    Sincerely, Patricia Grenier, abuuter
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