• da: Gabi Martinez
  • destinatario: Arnold Achwarzenegger, President George Bush 
Sexual trafficking is todays modern day slavery. This envolves women of all ages and children as young as four years old. The main target groups are women who are trying to flee their homes, from abuse, poverty, and conflict over all. They fall for false promises of education or emplyment however what they receive is far from what they imagined. These women are beaten and raped repeatedly at times by more than just one man. Their "owners" put them up for prostitution, to gain revenue. They live in fear, if they refuse to grant any of their wishes they will be beaten and have the little privaleges they have , like meals revoked. This problem has been reported in more than 190 countries. Sexual trafficking  is common from South East Asia, China, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe into North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and the Middle East. We urge you to get involved by viewing site such as http://www.gaatw.net/.
Sexual trafficking is todays modern day slavery. This envolves women of all ages and children as young as four years old. The main target groups are women who are trying to flee their homes, from abuse, poverty, and conflict over all. They fall for false promises of education or emplyment however what they receive is far from what they imagined. These women are beaten and raped repeatedly at times by more than just one man. Their "owners" put them up for prostitution, to gain revenue. They live in fear, if they refuse to grant any of their wishes they will be beaten and have the little privaleges they have , like meals revoked. This problem has been reported in more than 190 countries. Sexual trafficking  is common from South East Asia, China, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe into North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and the Middle East. We urge you to get involved by viewing site such as http://www.gaatw.net/.
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