Save the cats, Pet ban against Mr John TEDESCO and Elizabete Desilva

  • da: Eleanor Sorensen
  • destinatario: Naugatuck Animal Control, stae of Ct,, Mayor Hess of Naugatuck, Ct. Humane Society, PETA, Ct. ASPCA and Police Captain Steven Hunt

My neighbors whom just bought a house next door to my apt building have been over heard by myself and another neighbor in my building talking about getting a rottweiler for the sole purpose of killing my cats.
I moved into my residence approximately 4 years ago, and quickly realized that there was a serious stray cat problem. The people whom lived below me fed the strays but did nothing else which led to many cats breeding. There were somewhere around 30 plus cats here.
After trying my best to seek help from every agency and ear that would listen, I quickly realized that if this problem were to be fixed, it wouldn't be done by anybody else but me.
To date, I have altered and vaccinated upwards of 22 cats, and adopted out approximately 15 kittens. While all cats haven't been fixed yet, I am working hard to meet that goal. I'm am on disability and literally, every penny above my normal bills goes to the care and medical treatment of these cats.
I would love nothing more than to find each of these cats a loving home to go to and get every one of them fixed. I am scheduled to bring another 8 cats to be fixed and vaccinated on Sept 10, 2016.
Mr. JOHN TEDESCO AND MRS ELIZABETE  DESILVA HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY ABUSIVE TOWARDS THESE INNOCENT CATS. Mr TEDESCO has been seen chasing the cats out onto the main St in what can only be an attempt in having them hit by cars and he also chases them off as I call them home to eat by literally chasing them and yelling at them while squirting them with a water gun.
As I stated before, he's had an in depth conversation about getting a rottweiler to "eat" my cats and has threatened to trap and release the cats into another location, leaving them to starve to death because they have become dependent upon humans for food.
I understand that the cats are a neusance, I thought so too when I moved in. However, it's not the cats fault that other people were irresponsible with their care for them and there are more decent and humane ways to bring the colony under control and eventually end the epidemic of strays in our neighborhood. Getting a dog to kill them and running them into a busy street to have them hit isn't the answer as it is cruel, inhumane and abusive.
Please help me to keep this man from terrorizing these cats anymore than he already is by not allowing him the right to own ANY dogs. I also feel that people with such agression towards animals that clearly are in need of help, is unfit to own any animals. Please help me get a pet ban against them for the safety of the cats here and any pet they my get in the future.

Aggiorna #38 anni fa
Hi everyone and thank you all for signing.
Now, not only have they threatened to get a dog to kill the Stray cats that have been somewhat of a staple in the neighborhood for the last 20 years that I've been told but.... he's sent a letter to my landlord and I about taking us to court. In what can only be an attempt to euthanize them as there are no shelters or rescues with room for them. Please help spread the word to keep this couple from their ultimate goal
Aggiorna #28 anni fa
Thank you all for trying to help, sadly I've not heard ANYTHING. But I have faith in the system. (Just not so much for the people in our system, the system works just not the people)
Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Thank you all for helping me to continue doing all that I can to continie to protect these great, loving cats. Everyday I will upload a new picture to show you all of the cats yours and your friends signature will be helping to protect.
Thanks again haemorrhage a great day
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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