She Killed Her Dog and Stuffed Him in the Trash at the Airport. Justice for Tywinn!

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Florida State Government

In a heart-wrenching and senseless act of cruelty, a Louisiana woman drowned her miniature schnauzer, Tywinn, in a Florida airport bathroom after being told the dog could not travel with her on an international flight. The death of Tywinn, was not only cruel but unnecessary, and we must ensure that the woman faces the full consequences of her actions. While it's likely the woman will be charged with animal cruelty, we can also ask for preventative and compassionate consequences to address the root of this crime.

Sign the petition to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory psychological counseling for this person!

According to investigators, Tywinn was found in a trash can along with a companion vest, collar, rabies tag, a dog travel bag and a bone-shaped dog tag. 

A lifetime ban on animal ownership, coupled with mandatory psychological counseling, is necessary to ensure that this woman never harms another animal again. 

This is not just about justice for Tywinn – it's about ensuring that no other animal suffers in this way.

Sign the petition to demand justice for Tywinn and to ensure a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this woman!

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