Africa & CITES - Ban Hunting Trophies & Exports of Elephant Tusks & Rhino Horns

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: CITES, U. S. Fish & Wildlife & Southern African Government

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to put an end to the hunting for and selling of Elephant Tusks & Rhino Horns that is exported through Africa as a lucrative business. Many countries earlier in the year signed an agreement aimed at tackling the illegal wildlife trade yet the sale of ivory and rhino horns is still big business because hunting trophies are still legal.

Monitoring all countries to stop the hunting and poaching of elephants and rhinos for their tusks and horns has been a difficult task due to illegal practices and the availability of hunting trophies. An organization known as CITES or Convention on international trade in endangered species is a program that is run and governed by the United Nations that keeps records of hunting trophies and sales of elephant tusks and rhino horns.

Despite laws against hunting and poaching in so many countries, CITES still allows for the sale of some elephant tusks although the hunting trophies are still legal. Africa continues to break its quota of elephant tusks sales and rhino horns along with hunting trophies for the purpose of monetary gain for their country. We need to encourage CITES to make necessary changes regarding hunting trophies and the constant and continual sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns. Learn more at

CITES along with the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service's works with each country's management and scientific authorities in order to determine the threat of animals in the wild and monitoring permits that are to be properly documented and managed. Help us in our efforts to finally put an end to hunting trophies along with the sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all your media sites. Too many elephants and rhinos are killed regularly just for this purpose!!

CITES, U. S. Fish & Wildlife & African Government - We are urging you to work more closely to put a ban on hunting trophies and the continual sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns. Even though most countries are banned from poaching and hunting elephants and rhinos for their body parts, tusks and horns, it is still a continual big business. The laws need to be more harshly enforced, monitoring each countries hunting and trophy practices to put a ban on these illegal practices. Begin with banning hunting trophies and the sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns throughout Africa. Save these animals from endangerment and extinction; CITES needs to put an end to hunting trophies and sale of ivory through elephant tusks and rhino horns.

CITES, U. S. Fish & Wildlife & Southern African Government - We are urging you to work more closely to put a ban on hunting trophies and the continual sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns. Even though most countries are banned from poaching and hunting elephants and rhinos for their body parts, tusks and horns, it is still a continual big business. The laws need to be more harshly enforced, monitoring each countries hunting and trophy practices to put a ban on these illegal practices. Begin with banning hunting trophies and the sale of elephant tusks and rhino horns throughout Africa. Save these animals from endangerment and extinction; CITES needs to put an end to hunting trophies and sale of ivory through elephant tusks and rhino horns.

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