Urge City Hall and Vancouver Police to Keep Yaletown Protests Legal

  • da: Paul Thompson
  • destinatario: City Hall and the Vancouver Police Department

While respecting the right to protest, the residents of Yaletown also have rights to peace and freedom of movement in their own neighbourhood.  We ask that City Hall and the Vancouver Police Department take steps to ensure the Yaletown Protesters stop their bullying tactics and protest legally. 


“Obstruction or interference with the use of property includes but is not limited to the following behaviours: shouting, screaming, or swearing at anyone that disrupts public peace or physically blocking any person from freely entering, leaving or staying at any public place.”

- Vancouver Police Criminal Warning Letter


For more information on this issue and what you can do, we're on Facebook:  Friends of Brooklyn Vancouver

Aggiorna #410 anni fa
Hello everyone, we're still here with the petition, because the protesters are still here, pretending to care about the animals but caring more about bullying us and violating our rights.

We've updated the petition to include the City, who are keeping the police from fully doing their jobs and defending your rights.

I urge you to check out our new ally the Community Association of New Yaletown and their website at www.newyaletown.ca
Aggiorna #310 anni fa
Hi There! With no fur in the store (it’s summer after all) we thought the protesters would show some common sense. But they don't care - it's not their neighborhood.

Jason has written you all a letter, with an update on what the heck is going on with these people and answering your most common questions.

To read it please go to our "Friends of Brooklyn" Facebook page or this website: http://mailp.in/5HNWeeiv

Thank-you and know that you're not alone. This is our neighborhood, our community.
Aggiorna #211 anni fa
Hello everyone! It’s time to connect with the Police and City Hall. Call or email them EVERY TIME the protesters harass or disturb you. Tell them how it made you feel. Your calls will add up and become something they can’t ignore.

Go to our Facebook page (Friends of Brooklyn Vancouver) for emails, phone numbers and more for the Vancouver City Police, the Mayor and city councillors.

If you’re not a Facebook person, I can email the contact numbers and emails. paulesgee@gmail.com

Aggiorna #111 anni fa
You have rights too, even during a protest.

Thanks to all of you for signing the Yaletown petition - over 100 signatures in 36 hours! I'd like to ask two things of you:

1 - Pass this message on to anyone you know in the Yaletown area or who might be interested.

2 - Go to the Brooklyn Clothing Co. Facebook page and read the top post, titled: "Are the Yaletown Protesters Trampling on Your Rights?" It has a personal story from a real person living right across from the store.

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